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What is a website domain?
Published: 23 Jul, 2023


If you want to create a website or an online presence, one of the first things you need to do is to get a website domain. But what is a website domain exactly? This article will help you understand why website domains matter and what else you need to know about them. We will explain what domains are, how they work, and how to get one for your website. We will also cover the different types of domains, the differences between domains, URLs, and websites, and some frequently asked questions related to website domains.


What are the differences between domains, URLs, and websites?

Before we dive into the details of website domains, let’s clarify some common terms that are often used interchangeably but are actually different. These terms are domainsURLs, and websites.

  • domain is the name of a website. It is the website’s equivalent of a physical address, and it helps users find your site easily instead of using its internet protocol (IP) address. A domain name consists of a name and an extension, such as example.com. A domain is the name of a website, not the website itself. 
  • A domain name is the unique name of a website that users type into their browsers to access it. It consists of a name and a domain extension, such as .com, .org, .net, etc. A domain name is the web address that helps users find your site easily instead of using its internet protocol (IP) address. To get a domain name for your website, you need to go through a process called domain name registration. This involves choosing a suitable name and extension, checking its availability, and paying for it through a domain registrar.
  • URL is the address for each individual page on a website. It includes the domain name, but also additional information to direct the browser to the specific page. A URL consists of a protocol, a domain, and a path. For example, https://www.example.com/about-us is a URL that directs the browser to the about us page on example.com. A URL is the address of a web page, not the web page itself.
  • website is made up of the actual pages, graphics, text, and everything else users see and interact with on their screens. It is hosted on a web server that stores all of its data and delivers it to the browser when requested. A website is what users see and interact with, not its name or address.

To illustrate these differences, let’s use an analogy of a physical store. If a domain is the store name, a URL is the store’s street address, and a website is the actual store building with all the products inside.







Store name



Store address


The pages, graphics, text, etc. on fudomains.com

Store building


How do domains work?

Now that we know what domains are and how they differ from URLs and websites, let’s see how they work behind the scenes. Every website consists of two main parts – a web hosting server and a domain name. The domain names associate the websites with their specific IP addresses, which direct to the web servers that host them.

An IP address is a unique string of numbers that identifies every device connected to the internet. It looks something like this: However, IP addresses are not easy for humans to remember or type into browsers. That’s why we use domain names instead.

A domain name system (DNS) is a global network of servers that translates domain names into IP addresses. When a user enters a domain name into a browser, it looks for the associated IP address through DNS servers. After that, the web browser gets the IP address information from the server and queries the hosting service of the domain for the site data.

A web hosting service is a company that provides space on its servers for storing and delivering websites. The web server stores all of the website’s data, including its files, database, and HTML code.


Why do you need a domain name?

Having a domain name for your website has many benefits for your online presence and marketing efforts. Here are some of them:

  • A domain name helps you build your brand and identity online. It makes your website more memorable and recognizable for your audience.
  • A domain name helps you improve your SEO (search engine optimization) and ranking on Google and other search engines. It allows you to use keywords related to your niche and target market in your domain name.
  • A domain name helps you establish credibility and trust with your visitors and potential customers. It shows that you are serious about your business and have invested in your online presence.
  • A domain name helps you enhance your user experience and navigation on your website. It makes it easier for users to find your site and access different pages without typing long URLs.

To enjoy these benefits, you need to choose a good domain name for your website. Some tips on choosing a good domain name are:


What are the different types of domains?

Website domains come in different types and categories. The most common types of domains are:

  • TLD: Top-level domain. This is the highest level of domain names in the DNS hierarchy. It is the part of the domain name that comes after the dot, such as .com, .org, .net, etc. There are over 1500 TLDs available, but some of the most popular ones are:
    • ccTLD: Country-code top-level domain. This is a type of TLD that represents a specific country or region, such as .uk, .ca, .au, etc. These domains are usually used by websites that target a specific geographic audience or market.
    • gTLD: Generic top-level domain. This is a type of TLD that represents a generic category or purpose, such as .edu, .gov, .biz, etc. These domains are usually used by websites that belong to a specific industry or sector.
  • Other types of domains: There are also some other types of domains that are less common but still useful for some websites. These include:
    • Subdomain: This is a part of a domain name that comes before the main domain name, such as blog.example.com or shop.example.com. Subdomains are used to create separate sections or categories on a website.
    • Second-level domain: This is a part of a domain name that comes before the TLD, such as example in example.com. Second-level domains are usually the name of the website or the brand.
    • Third-level domain: This is a part of a domain name that comes before the second-level domain, such as www in www.example.com. Third-level domains are usually optional and can be omitted.


How to get a domain name?

Getting a domain name for your website is not difficult, but it requires some steps and considerations. Here are the main steps to get a domain name:

  1. Choose a domain name for your website based on your niche, target market, keywords, branding, and availability.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Register your domain name through a domain registrar. A domain registrar is a type of company that deals with the management and sale of domain names. Some examples of popular domain registrars are GoDaddy, Namecheap, Domain.com, etc.

  1. Pay for your domain name according to the price and duration set by the domain registrar. Domain names are usually sold on an annual basis, but you can also choose longer or shorter terms depending on your needs and budget.
  2. Connect your domain name to your web hosting service. A web hosting service is a company that provides space on its servers for storing and delivering your website. Some examples of popular web hosting services are Bluehost, Hostinger, SiteGround, etc.
  3. Transfer your domain name if you want to change your domain registrar or web hosting service. To transfer your domain name, you need to unlock it from your current registrar, get an authorization code, initiate the transfer request with your new registrar or web host, and confirm the transfer.


What is domain name in email?

The email domain is the part of an email address after the @ symbol. It usually matches the domain name and shows the name of the organization or company that owns the email address. For example, “toolkitnow.info” is the email domain in [email protected].

An email domain is different from a website domain, although they can be the same. A website domain is the name of a website that users type into their browsers to access it, such as www.companyname.com. An email domain is the name of an email service provider that users use to send and receive emails, such as companyname.com.

An email domain can be a generic top-level domain (TLD) like .email, which anyone can register, or a custom domain name that matches the website of a business. Using a custom domain name for email can help a business look more professional and trustworthy.

To get a free email domain, you can use one of the following methods:


These are some of the ways to get a free email domain for your personal or business use. However, if you want more features, security, and control over your email domain, you may want to consider using a paid service like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365. These services offer professional email along with other tools like video conferencing, cloud storage, collaborative apps, and more.



Here are some frequently asked questions related to website domains:

  • What is the difference between a domain and a domain name?
    • There is no difference between a domain and a domain name. They are both terms that refer to the name of a website.
  • What is the difference between a domain name and a website?
    • A domain name is the name of a website, not the website itself. A website is made up of the actual pages, graphics, text, and everything else users see and interact with on their screens.
  • How do I check the owner of a domain name?
    • You can check the owner of a domain name by using a WHOIS lookup tool. A WHOIS lookup tool is an online service that provides information about the registrant and contact details of a domain name.
  • How can I get a free domain name?
    • You can get a free domain name by using some web hosting services that offer free domains as part of their plans. Some examples of web hosting services that offer free domains are Bluehost, Hostinger, DreamHost, etc.
  • Who owns unused domain names?
    • Unused domain names are usually owned by individuals or companies who have registered them but have not used them for any website or purpose. These owners may be holding them for future use or selling them for profit.



A website domain is one of the most important aspects of creating and maintaining an online presence. It is the name of your website that helps users find your site easily and remember it better.

  • It also helps you build your brand, improve your SEO, establish your credibility, and enhance your user experience.
  • To get a domain name for your website, you need to choose a suitable name and extension, register it through a domain registrar, pay for it, connect it to your web hosting service, and transfer it if needed.
  • You also need to understand the different types of domains, the differences between domains, URLs, and websites, and the common questions related to website domains.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about what a website domain is and how to get one for your website. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!