Whois URL Lookup: What It Is and How to Use It Published: 07 Aug, 2023

Have you ever wanted to know who owns a certain domain name or website? You can use a whois URL lookup to find out A whois URL lookup is a process of querying a whois domain database that stores information about domain names, IP addresses, and other internet resources.
By performing a whois URL lookup, you can obtain various details about a domain name or website, such as its registration date, expiration date, owner, contact information, DNS records, IP address, location, and more. Whatever the reason, there is a simple and powerful way to find out more information about any domain name or website on the internet: a whois URL lookup.
In this article, we will explain what a whois URL lookup is and how to use it effectively. We will also show you what information you can get from a whois URL lookup and how to update or hide your whois information. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to use a whois URL lookup for various purposes and benefits.
How to Perform a Whois URL Lookup
There are different methods of performing a whois URL lookup, depending on your preference and convenience. Here are some of the most common methods:
- Using online tools: There are many online tools that allow you to perform a whois URL lookup from your web browser. For example, you can use Fudomains WHOIS information, the official whois domain lookup tool of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which oversees the global domain name system. To use this tool, simply enter the domain name or IP address that you want to look up in the search box and click on “Lookup”. You will then see the results of your query in a new page.
- Using command-line tools: If you are comfortable with using command-line tools, you can also perform a whois URL lookup from your terminal or console. For example, if you are using Windows, you can use the whois command that comes with the Windows Sysinternals Suite. To use this command, simply open a command prompt window and type whois followed by the domain name or IP address that you want to look up. You will then see the results of your query in the same window.
- Using browser extensions: Another method of performing a whois URL lookup is by using browser extensions that add a whois functionality to your web browser. For example, if you are using Chrome, you can use the Whois Lookups extension that allows you to perform a whois URL lookup by right-clicking on any domain name or IP address on any web page and selecting “Whois Lookups”. You will then see the results of your query in a new tab.
If you want to discover who owns a certain domain name or website, you can use a whois lookup tool. A whois lookup tool gives you the ability to query a whois database, which is a searchable list of information about domain names, IP addresses, and other internet resources. By using a whois lookup tool, you can find out various details about the owner, contact, registration, expiration, status, and history of a domain name or website. For example, you can use [Network Solutions Whois Lookup], one of the most popular and reliable whois lookups tools on the web. To use this tool, simply enter the domain name or IP address that you want to look up in the search box and click on “Search”. You will then see the results of your query in a new page.
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, using online tools is convenient and easy, but it may not provide the most accurate or up-to-date information. Using command-line tools is fast and reliable, but it may require some technical skills and knowledge. Using browser extensions is handy and quick, but it may not work with all websites or domains.
You can choose the method that suits your needs and preferences best. However, regardless of the method you use, you should always be careful and responsible when performing a whois URL lookup. Do not abuse or misuse the information that you obtain from a whois URL lookup. Do not spam or harass the owners or contacts of the domains or websites that you look up. Do not violate any laws or regulations that govern the use of domain whois data.
What Information Can You Get from a Whois URL Lookup
A whois URL lookup can provide you with various types of information about a domain name or website. Here are some of the most common types of information that you can get from a whois URL lookup:
- Domain name and status: This is the basic information that tells you the name and status of the domain that you look up. For example, you can see if the domain is registered or available, if it is active or expired, if it is locked or unlocked, etc.
- Registrar name and contact details: This is the information that tells you which company or organization registered the domain and how to contact them. For example, you can see the name, address, phone number, email address, website, etc., of the registrar.
- Registrant name and contact details: This is the information that tells you who owns the domain and how to contact them. For example, you can see the name, address, phone number, email address, etc., of the registrant. This information may be hidden or masked if the registrant uses a privacy protection service or a GDPR-compliant registrar.
- Administrative and technical contacts: These are the information that tells you who are responsible for managing and maintaining the domain and how to contact them. For example, you can see the name, address, phone number, email address, etc., of the administrative and technical contacts. These information may also be hidden or masked if the contacts use a privacy protection service or a GDPR-compliant registrar.
- Domain creation, expiration, and update dates: These are the information that tells you when the domain was created, when it will expire, and when it was last updated. For example, you can see the date and time of the domain creation, expiration, and update.
- Name servers and DNS records: These are the information that tells you which servers are responsible for resolving the domain name into an IP address and what records are associated with the domain name. For example, you can see the name and IP address of the name servers and the DNS records such as A, CNAME, MX, TXT, etc.
- IP address and location: This is the information that tells you what is the IP address and location of the domain name or website that you look up. For example, you can see the IP address, country, region, city, latitude, longitude, etc., of the domain name or website.
- Domain history and ownership changes: This is the information that tells you how the domain name or website has changed over time and who were the previous owners or registrants of the domain name or website. For example, you can see the history of domain registration, expiration, renewal, transfer, deletion, etc., and the history of domain ownership changes.
- Domain availability and related domains: This is the information that tells you if the domain name or website that you look up is available for registration or purchase and what are some related domains that you may be interested in. For example, you can see if the domain is available or taken, what is its price or value, what are some alternative or similar domains, etc.
This information can be useful for various purposes, such as:
- Checking domain availability and finding related domains: If you want to register a new domain name or buy an existing one, you can use a whois URL lookup to check if the domain name that you want is available or not. You can also use a whois URL lookup to find related domains that may suit your brand, niche, or audience better.
- Verifying domain ownership and contact details: If you want to verify who owns a certain domain name or website or how to contact them, you can use a whois URL lookup to get their registrant and contact details. You can also use a whois URL lookup to confirm your own domain ownership and contact details if you need to prove them to someone else.
- Investigating domain history and reputation: If you want to investigate the history and reputation of a certain domain name or website, you can use a whois URL lookup to get their domain history and ownership changes. You can also use a whois URL lookup to check their IP address and location history and see if they have been involved in any malicious or fraudulent activities.
- Troubleshooting domain issues and errors: If you encounter any issues or errors with your own domain name or website or someone else’s domain name or website, you can use a whois URL lookup to get their name servers and DNS records. You can also use a whois URL lookup to check their domain status and expiration date and see if they have any problems with their registration or renewal.
- Protecting domain privacy and security: If you want to protect your own domain privacy and security or someone else’s domain privacy and security, you can use a whois URL lookup to get their registrant and contact details. You can also use a whois URL lookup to see if they use any privacy protection service or GDPR-compliant registrar to hide their personal information from public view.
How to Update or Hide Your Whois Information
It is important to keep your whois information updated and accurate. This is because your whois information is used by various parties for various purposes. For example:
- Your registrar uses your whois information to communicate with you about your domain registration, renewal, transfer, deletion, etc.
- Your hosting provider uses your whois information to communicate with you about your web hosting service, billing, support, etc.
- Your customers or visitors use your whois information to verify your identity and credibility as a domain owner or webmaster.
- Your partners or affiliates use your whois information to establish trust and cooperation with you as a business associate or collaborator.
- Your competitors or adversaries use your whois information to analyze your strengths and weaknesses as a market player or rival.
If your whois information is outdated or inaccurate, it may cause various problems for you. For example:
- You may miss important notifications or reminders from your registrar or hosting provider about your domain or web hosting service.
- You may lose your customers or visitors’ trust or confidence in your identity or credibility as a domain owner or webmaster.
- You may miss out on potential opportunities or partnerships with other parties who are interested in your domain or website.
- You may expose yourself to potential threats or attacks from your competitors or adversaries who want to harm your domain or website.
To update your whois information, you need to follow the steps provided by your registrar or hosting provider. Usually, these steps are:
- Log in to your registrar or hosting provider’s website and access your account dashboard.
- Find the section where you can manage your domain names and select the domain name that you want to update.
- Find the option where you can edit or modify your whois information and click on it.
- Enter the correct and current information for each field that you want to update, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, etc.
- Save your changes and confirm them if prompted.
You should update your whois information whenever there is a change in your personal or business details, such as:
- Your name, address, phone number, email address, etc.
- Your domain name, web hosting service, name servers, DNS records, etc.
- Your domain registration, renewal, transfer, deletion, etc.
You should also check your whois information regularly to make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date.
However, there may be situations where you do not want to reveal your whois information to the public. For example:
- You want to protect your personal privacy and security from spammers, scammers, hackers, stalkers, etc.
- You want to avoid unwanted solicitations or inquiries from marketers, salespeople, researchers, etc.
- You want to prevent domain hijacking or theft from fraudsters, squatters, cybersquatters, etc.
- You want to comply with the data protection laws or regulations of your country or region, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.
How to Hide Your Whois Information from Public View
In these cases, you may want to hide your whois information from public view. There are different options to hide your whois information, depending on your registrar or hosting provider. Here are some of the most common options:
- Using a proxy service: A proxy service is a third-party service that acts as an intermediary between you and the whois database. When someone performs a whois URL lookup on your domain name or website, they will see the proxy service’s information instead of yours. The proxy service will then forward any communication or correspondence from the whois database to you. For example, you can use [WhoisGuard], a proxy service offered by Namecheap, one of the leading domain registrars. To use this service, simply enable it when you register or renew your domain name with Namecheap. You will then receive a confirmation email from WhoisGuard with a unique password that you can use to manage your settings and preferences.
- Using a privacy protection service: A privacy protection service is a service that replaces some or all of your whois information with generic or alternative information. When someone performs a whois URL lookup on your domain name or website, they will see the privacy protection service’s information instead of yours. The privacy protection service will then filter any communication or correspondence from the whois database and forward only the legitimate ones to you. For example, you can use [Domain Privacy], a privacy protection service offered by Bluehost, one of the leading web hosting providers. To use this service, simply add it when you register or renew your domain name with Bluehost. You will then receive a confirmation email from Domain Privacy with a link that you can use to manage your settings and preferences.
- Using a GDPR-compliant registrar: A GDPR-compliant registrar is a registrar that follows the rules and regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. The GDPR is a law that protects the personal data and privacy of individuals in the European Union and the European Economic Area. According to the GDPR, registrars must obtain consent from their customers before collecting and processing their personal data for whois purposes. They must also provide their customers with the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict, object, and port their personal data. They must also implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of their customers’ personal data. When someone performs a whois URL lookup on a domain name or website registered with a GDPR-compliant registrar, they will see only limited information about the registrant and contact details. They will also see a link where they can request more information from the registrar if they have a legitimate interest or legal basis. For example, you can use [Gandi], a GDPR-compliant registrar that offers domain registration and web hosting services. To use this registrar, simply register or transfer your domain name with Gandi. You will then receive a confirmation email from Gandi with a link that you can use to manage your settings and preferences.
Each option has its own pros and cons. For example, using a proxy service is convenient and cheap, but it may not work with all domain extensions or registrars. Using a privacy protection service is effective and reliable, but it may cost extra or require renewal. Using a GDPR-compliant registrar is secure and compliant, but it may not apply to all customers or regions.
You can choose the option that suits your needs and preferences best. However, regardless of the option you use, you should always be careful and responsible when hiding your whois information. Do not abuse or misuse the services that hide your whois information. Do not violate any laws or regulations that govern the use of whois data. Do not use your domain name or website for any illegal or unethical purposes.
A whois URL lookup is a useful and powerful way to find out more information about any domain name or website on the internet. By performing a whois URL lookup, you can obtain various details about a domain name or website, such as its registration date, expiration date, owner, contact information, DNS records, IP address, location, and more.
You can use this information for various purposes and benefits, such as checking domain availability and finding related domains, verifying domain ownership and contact details, investigating domain history and reputation, troubleshooting domain issues and errors, and protecting domain privacy and security.
However, you should also keep your whois information updated and accurate. This is because your whois information is used by various parties for various purposes. If your whois information is outdated or inaccurate, it may cause various problems for you.
If you do not want to reveal your whois information to the public, you can also hide your whois information from public view. There are different options to hide your whois information, depending on your registrar or hosting provider. You can use a proxy service, a privacy protection service, or a GDPR-compliant registrar.
However, you should also be careful and responsible when hiding your whois information. Do not abuse or misuse the services that hide your whois information. Do not violate any laws or regulations that govern the use of whois data. Do not use your domain name or website for any illegal or unethical purposes.