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How Many Domains Are There in 2024? Everything You Need to Know
Published: 19 Jul, 2023


Have you ever wondered how many domains are there in the world? If you are curious about the internet and its evolution, you might be interested in learning more about domains and their role in the web. Domains are essential for creating and accessing websites, but they are also much more than that. They are indicators of identity, purpose, location, and authority. They are also subject to market forces, trends, and competition.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about domains, such as:

  • What are domains and how do they work?
  • What are the different types of domains?
  • How many domains are there in the world?
  • How to choose a domain name for your website?

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of domains and their importance for the internet. You will also learn some tips and best practices for finding and registering your own domain name. Let’s get started!



<!--more-->What Are Domains Are There? and How Do They Work?


A domain is a unique name that identifies a website or a network address on the internet. For example, google.com is a domain name that represents the website of Google, the search engine giant. Domains are composed of two or more parts, separated by dots. The rightmost part is called the domain extension or top-level domain (TLD), which indicates the category or purpose of the domain. The leftmost part is called the second-level domain (SLD), which is usually chosen by the owner of the domain. There can also be third-level domains or subdomains, which are optional prefixes that can further specify the domain.

Domains you can register and manage by organizations called registrars and registries. A registrar is a company that sells domain names to customers and handles their registration and renewal. A registry is an organization that maintains a database of all registered domains under a certain TLD and assigns them to registrars. For example, Verisign is the registry for .com and .net domains, while GoDaddy is one of the registrars that sells them to customers.

Domains are resolved by servers called Domain Name System(DNS) servers into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, which are numerical identifiers that computers use to communicate with each other on the internet. DNS servers act like phone books that translate human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. For example, when you type google.com into your browser, a DNS server will look up its IP address (such as and direct your browser to it.

Here are some examples of domains and their meanings:

  • amazon.com - A generic TLD for commercial purposes, representing the website of Amazon, an online retailer.
  • bbc.co.uk - A country-code TLD for the United Kingdom, representing the website of BBC, a British public broadcaster.
  • wikipedia.org - A generic TLD for organizational purposes, representing the website of Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia.
  • blogspot.com - A generic TLD for commercial purposes, representing a subdomain of Google’s blogging platform Blogger.


What Are the Different Types of Domains?

As we mentioned earlier, domains are categorized by their extensions or domains tlds TLDs, which are the highest level of domains in the hierarchy of the Domain Name System. According to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) root zone database, there are currently 1,591 registered TLDs as of 2023. These include:

  • Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) or Top-Level Domain (TLD): gTLDs or TLDs are the most generic category of domains. They include all types of domains that are not country-specific or location-specific. Some examples of gTLDs are .com, .net, .org, .edu, .gov, .mil, etc.
  • Country code top level domains Top-Level Domain (ccTLD): ccTLDs are defined by their country of registration or origin. They usually consist of two letters that follow the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code standard. Some examples of ccTLDs are .uk for the United Kingdom, .de for Germany, .cn for China, etc.
  • New Generic Top-Level Domain (ngTLD): ngTLDs are newly registered in the database and may be atypical or unconventional. They usually consist of more than three letters and can represent various niches, industries, communities, or interests. Some examples of ngTLDs are .club, .xyz, .online, .shop, etc.
  • Geo New Generic Top-Level Domain (Geo ngTLD): Geo ngTLDs are newly registered, but have to do with location or geography. They can represent cities, regions, or landmarks. Some examples of Geo ngTLDs are .berlin, .nyc, .paris, .london, etc.

Each type of domain has its own purpose and characteristics. For example, gTLDs are the most common and widely used type of domains, but they are also the most competitive and expensive. ccTLDs are more specific and localized, but they may have more restrictions and regulations. ngTLDs are more creative and diverse, but they may have less recognition and trust. Geo ngTLDs are more relevant and targeted, but they may have limited appeal and availability.

When choosing a domain name for your website, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of domain and how they fit your goals, audience, and budget.


How Many Domains Are There in the World?

Now that you know what domains are and how they work, you might be wondering how many domains are there in the world. The answer is not so simple, as the number of domains changes constantly due to new registrations, renewals, transfers, deletions, and expirations. By looking at the available domain name data, facts, and statistics, we can get a good idea of how many domains there are and which ones are the most popular.

According to the Domain Name Industry Brief, a quarterly report by Verisign on the latest trends and statistics on domains, there are currently about 351.5 million domain names registered worldwide as of June 30, 2023. This is a 9.8 million increase from Q4 2022. While the number of domains seems high, it’s not constantly increasing. There were declines as well. For example, domain name registrations have actually decreased in the fourth quarter of 2022, compared to 2021. There were 24.6 million fewer registrations in Q4 2022, compared to Q4 2021. Q4 2022, nevertheless, marked a 1.6 million (or 0.5%) increase year over year in overall domain registrations.

The number of domains also varies by their type or extension. Based on the market share (among the top 10 million websites), the most popular TLD continues to be .com with a 52.8% share. .org (for organization) is next highest with 4.4% of market share, followed by .ru (for Russia) with 4.2%, .net (for network) with 3.1%, and .au (for Australia) and .uk (for the United Kingdom) with a 1.8% market share each.

The number of domains is influenced by several factors, such as:

  • The demand for online presence and visibility
  • The availability and affordability of domain names
  • The innovation and diversity of domain extensions
  • The competition and saturation of domain markets
  • The regulation and enforcement of domain policies

As the internet continues to grow and evolve, so will the number and nature of domains. It is important to keep track of the latest developments and trends in the domain name industry to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions for your website.


How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Website?

Choosing a domain name for your website is one of the most important decisions you will make for your online success. A domain name is not only a way to access your website, but also a way to communicate your brand, niche, or purpose to your visitors and potential customers. A good domain name can help you:

  • Attract more traffic and leads.
  • Build trust and credibility.
  • Enhance your SEO and ranking.
  • Stand out from the competition.
  • Create a memorable impression.

However, choosing a domain name is not easy. You have to think about many aspects and deal with many difficulties. Here are some tips and best practices for selecting a domain name that works for you:

  • Keep it short, simple, and memorable: A short and simple domain name is easier to type, spell, pronounce, and remember. It also reduces the risk of typos or errors that can lead to lost traffic or confusion. A good domain name should not exceed 15 characters in length.
  • Avoid hyphens, numbers, or misspellings: Hyphens, numbers, or misspellings can make your domain name look unprofessional or spammy. They can also cause confusion or ambiguity for your visitors or search engines. For example, people might not know whether to type four or 4 in your domain name.

Use keywords or phrases that describe your content or value proposition: Keywords or phrases can help you convey what your website is about or what you offer to your visitors. They can also help you improve your SEO and ranking for relevant terms or topics. For example, if you have a website about gardening, you might want to use words like garden, plants, flowers, or tips in your domain name.

  • Consider your target audience and location: Your domain name should reflect your target audience and location, if applicable. You should use words or terms that resonate with your niche, industry, or community. You should also use a domain extension that matches your country or region, if you want to target a specific market or audience. For example, if you have a website for Australian travelers, you might want to use .au as your domain extension.
  • Check for availability, trademark issues, and competition: Before you register your domain name, you should check if it is available and not already taken by someone else. You should also check if it infringes on any trademarks or intellectual property rights that could cause legal problems or disputes. You should also check if it is similar or identical to any existing websites or brands that could cause confusion or dilution of your identity. You can use tools like WHOIS or Trademarkia to perform these checks.

Finding and registering a domain name can be a daunting task, but there are some tools and resources that can help you simplify the process and save time and money. Here are some of them:

  • Domain name generators: Domain name generators are online tools that can help you generate and suggest domain name ideas based on your keywords, preferences, or criteria. They can also show you the availability and price of each domain name option. Some examples of domain name generators are NameMesh, Lean Domain Search, and Fudomains domain generators.
  • Domain name registrars: Domain name registrars are companies that sell and register domain names to customers. They also provide other services such as hosting, email, security, and support. Some examples of domain name registrars are GoDaddy, Namecheap, and Bluehost.
  • Domain name marketplaces: Domain name marketplaces are platforms where you can buy and sell domain names from other owners or brokers. They can help you find premium or unique domain names that are already registered but not in use. They can also help you negotiate the price and transfer the ownership of the domain name. Some examples of domain name marketplaces are Sedo, Flippa, and Afternic.


Domain Statistics: How Many Domains Are There?

One of the most common questions about domains is how many domains are there in the world. The answer is not so simple, as the number of domains changes constantly due to new registrations, renewals, transfers, deletions, and expirations. However, we can get a good idea of how many domains there are and which ones are the most popular by looking at the available domain name data, facts, and statistics. According to the Domain Name Industry Brief by Verisign, there are currently about 351.5 million domain names registered worldwide as of June 30, 2023. This is a 9.8 million increase from Q4 2022. The most popular TLD continues to be .com with a 52.8% market share, followed by .org with 4.4%, .ru with 4.2%, .net with 3.1%, and .au and .uk with 1.8?ch. The number of domains is influenced by several factors, such as the demand for online presence and visibility, the availability and affordability of domain names, the innovation and diversity of domain extensions, the competition and saturation of domain markets, and the regulation and enforcement of domain policies. As the internet continues to grow and evolve, so will the number and nature of domains. It is important to keep track of the latest developments and trends in the domain name industry to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions for your website.





Domains are more than just names for websites. They are indicators of identity, purpose, location, and authority. They are also subject to market forces, trends, and competition. Knowing how many domains are there and how they work can help you understand the internet better and make smarter decisions for your website.

In this article, we have covered:

  • What are domains and how do they work?
  • What are the different types of domains?
  • How many domains are there in the world?
  • How to choose a domain name for your website?

We hope you have found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And if you are ready to find and register your own domain name, check out our recommended tools and resources above.

Thank you for reading and happy domain hunting!